Sunday Sept 8 2024 – 15:00

I was suspended from the Green Party just two days before National Party conference thus removing my ability to speak on behalf of the party on social media and at local, regional and national party meetings.
We don’t need a medical education to know that biological sex is a fact. For that to be a controversial statement in some circles, shows how detached some of us have become from reality and science. This trend must be resisted because by being silent, we allow a falsehood to persist which is detrimental to all of us.
I stand by the Cass review report that young people deserve holistic care that encompasses their physical, mental, and emotional health when grappling with gender identity or any health issues.
In April 2024, the Green Party issued a statement on the Cass review on their national website, which they quickly retracted within hours, without explanation. This swift withdrawal silenced crucial discussions on the matter and raised questions about transparency in our party.
“The decision to suspend me as a member, albeit ‘temporarily’ — draws attention to our party’s no fault suspension mechanism. Our party’s foundational principles of fairness, free speech, science-based policy making, transparency and due process are all under intense scrutiny and I hope we can rise to the challenge.”
I unequivocally condemn any hate directed at marginalized groups.
My experience within the Green Party, as in society, shows that most people are kind and want to support inclusivity.
We must be able to foster a culture of openness and tolerance, kindness and respect when discussing complex issues such as sex and gender.
Dr Pallavi Devulapalli