Greens in Exile rosette logo superimposed over a big crowd of grey people

Who are Greens in Exile?

Greens in Exile are a group of long-serving and loyal Green Party of England and Wales members who have been forced out of the party through suspension, expulsion or resignation for supporting:

Freedom of speech

Open debate

Good governance

Science-based policy

Women’s sex-based rights


Help the party refocus

The Green Party has shifted away from being the party of ecology, but the climate and nature emergency has not gone away and we must come back to our core purpose. Explore the Greens in Exile to learn more.

“Like all creatures, humankind depends upon a healthy natural environment for its survival. Yet it is human activity, more than anything else, which is threatening the environment and, ultimately, threatening the future of life on Earth as we currently know it.” (PB102)