Eric Walker is counting down to his 100th birthday on 6 February 2025 with a plea to the Green Party to lift his No Fault suspension and reinstate his membership in full before then. He is the oldest member of the party and also a D-Day veteran and has been a long time member of the Party. He sent his news story to his local newspaper and they published it today.
Here is his press release:
Approaching his 100th Birthday, Exiled Green Party Member, Eric Walker, Calls for Suspension to Be Lifted as the Ultimate Gift
As a long serving and loyal member of the Green Party of England and Wales, Eric Walker is one of almost sixty party members to be forced out through suspension, expulsion or resignation.
With his 100th birthday looming (6th February 2025) this D-Day veteran is hoping that the powers that be within the Green Party will overturn his almost year-long suspension ahead of receiving his congratulatory birthday greetings from King Charles III.
Eric Walker explains:
“The majority of members of the Regional Council’s on call team suspended me for saying I was prepared to reveal the names of this secret ‘jury’ which suspends people on very trivial grounds. Whilst hugely disappointed about my own suspension, what galls me the most is that the council keeps members in exiled purgatory indefinitely. They ensure we are cut off from any contact with the party, whilst also expecting us to keep our suspensions a secret.”
With Eric’s suspension also involving ‘transphobic’ remarks he allegedly made, Eric continues:
“This is the most ironic part of this whole situation as I was the first person to release a film* back in 1978 that was sympathetic to the problems faced by trans people. Whilst the film reflects the cultural attitudes and language of the time it was made, the issues its raises are timeless.”
With 35 Green Party members currently exiled and a further 23 having resigned from their posts, Eric is on a mission to make the political world at large aware of the spurious behaviour of his beloved party.
He concludes:
“Having sent a statement to the Regional Council’s suspension review body and promised not to publish any confidential names in the future, the Council has seen fit not to accept this assurance.
“Reaching 100 years of age is quite a feat, and I am hoping that this blight on my character and my suspension from the Green Party will be lifted by the time my centenary arrives.”
For further information about Greens in Exile visit: greensinexile.org.uk