I re-joined the party in 2018. Became Campaign Manager for my local party in 2022 where we successfully increased our number of district councillors from 4 to 10 in May 2023. I was co-opted onto the Policy Development Committee in early 2024 and brought the PSS, which hadn’t been updated since 2019, up to date. I restarted the current policy working group for pollution and helped ensure that the party manifesto for 2024 was consistent with our policies.
“I was bullied by a local party member who formed a clique and put in my first complaint against that member in March 2023. The complaint was summarily dismissed over a year later in July 2024. The member I complained about put in a vexatious complaint against me in April 2024 and I was given a No Fault Suspension for that complaint. This is all despite GPRC having evidence completely showing that I was innocent.”
I realise now that the current Disciplinary process is unfit for purpose and is being politically manipulated to get ‘problem’ members out of the way. GPRC do not follow the code of conduct or the current disciplinary procedures in the Standing Orders for Party Discipline. They show no care for the well-being of the members they suspend or expel.
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