Exile Rachel Hardy

I joined GPEW after hearing Adrian Ramsay speak approx 17 years ago. Attracted by the policies, the understanding of climate chaos etc and the respect the party seemed to have for women. I was a regular at local meetings, carried the banner at demos, delivered leaflets and knocked on doors.  Myself and husband were also … Read more

Exile Peter Garbutt

I joined Sheffield Green Party (SGP) in 2006 following a years long search for a political home. I immediately felt at home in the Greens; the democracy, the compassion, the science-based policy all appealed to me. I threw myself into electoral work, outreach to other groups, Party management. I lived and breathed Green Party. I … Read more

Exile Alison Teal

I joined the Green Party in Sheffield in 2014 and immediately began working on the local elections. In September 2015 I was encouraged by the local party Chair to stand as a candidate to be a councillor which resulted in me becoming the first Green councillor for the Nether Edge & Sharrow ward in May … Read more