I joined the Green Party in 2010 and have been Membership Secretary of my local party (Glastonbury & Street), Internal Communications Co-ordinator on GPEx and, at the time of my banishment, was Membership Secretary of Green Party Women.
I was one of a small group who revived our dormant local party and by the time of the 2011 local elections we were able to field candidates in all 16 wards and win 4 seats. In 2015 the Greens won a majority on the Town Council and welcomed the first ever Green Mayor of Glastonbury. The Greens still have a majority on the Town Council and Glastonbury still has a Green Mayor. Although never elected myself I was happy to be a part of the team supporting our Councillors. Some of whom are now nervous about speaking to me since my banishment from the Party.
In summer 2019 I was elected to GPEx but resigned in April 2021 when the Exec approved a paper titled ‘Delivering on the Equality Act 2010’ that included this footnote:
1 “sex-based rights” can be seen as a route of querying and questioning trans people’s rights to exist and access resources. The Green Party has explicitly made clear its approach to these issues through the policy contained at RR530.
I couldn’t be a party to approving a paper that explicitly denied the sex-based rights of women.
I am also a Founding Signatory of the Green Women’s Declaration (GWD).
“My ‘offence’ was to give tech support to the GWD website and a webinar featuring Alison Teal. With impeccable timing the decision of GPRC that I had forfeited my membership for five years due to a breach of Clause 4.7 of the Constitution was made on July 4th – election day.”
As they didn’t get around to informing me until July 15th the VOTE GREEN poster remained in my front window.
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